In 2008, the Beit Lehi Foundation began sponsoring the excavation of one the most significant archaeological sites in Israel. Excavation is but a small part of the discovery process, as each new plot is measured and mapped and each article is cleaned, studied and cataloged.

Our mission is to uncover hidden truth in support of holy writ. Although Beit Lehi adheres to strict standards of archaeology, our motivation is driven by unexplained feelings. The fact the area was ignored and deemed insignificant for hundreds of years and has now blossomed into the largest previously unknown community of settlements ever found in Israel, is confirmation that those feelings are well-founded.
Paraphrasing the remarks uttered by a prominiet member of the LDS Church following his visit to the site: There is something significant here. Whether connected to the Bible or Book of Mormon or both, I am not sure, just that the site is significant.
What we have discovered, although significant, is small compared to what is yet to be uncovered. With less than 20% of the site excavated, the greatest discoveries are yet to be made. There is no shortage of known places to excavate, just the time and resources to make it happen. Every excavation validates or rewrites some facet of ancient history.
We invite you to enjoy and experience Beit Lehi as never before and hope it awakens fond recollections of your visit or a desire to visit, or even excavate at this site tucked away in the holy land.
How you can help
Excavating and preserving the history at Beit Lehi is an expensive undertaking. Your financial support makes it possible for us to continue our efforts to uncover the history and hidden truths of this ancient village. No donation is too small.
The Beit Lehi Guide
You can now get our 48 page, full color printed guide to prepare for your trip to Beit Lehi or to remember your visit and how you felt.
Clearing up misinformation
Unfortunately, Dr. Chadwich, who works for BYU, has published an article that is critical of Beit Lehi. This article frequently appears in Google searches and may mislead people interesting in learning more about this wonderful archaeology site. In response, Alan Rudd has written as article clarifying some of the misleading information.
Read: Khirbet Beit Lehi And The Book of Mormon by Alan Rudd
Location of Beit Lehi