Northern Israel



On the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee is the ancient city of Capernaum where Peter made his home. Jesus performed several miracles there including healing Peter mother and casting the Devil from a man.


Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter

Sometime after Christ was resurrected, Peter told his friends that he was going fishing. Jesus appeared on the shore and told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. When Peter recognized the savior, he jumped into the water and swam ashore. After dining on fish, Jesus asked Peter if He loved him to which ever replied that he did. Three times he repeated the question and three times the Lord asked him to feed his sheep. This even is know as the Primacy of Peter and it took place on the north west shore of the sea of Galilee.


Sea of Gaalilee

We read in the book of Matthew chapter 14 that right after feeding the 5000, Jesus sent his disciples across the water and he stayed behind to pray. A fierce storm arose and although the fisherman rowed all night they were still did not make it across the sea.

Sometime between 3 and 6 A.M., Jesus was seen walking on the water towards them. They thought him a spirit but he called out to them and they knew it was their Lord. Peter wanted to also walk on the water and after a few steps, he sank. Jesus saved him and then in a commanding voice stopped the storm.


Gan HaShlosha National Park

Gan HaShlosha National Park is a national park in Israel. The spring water that emerges in the western part of the park maintains a constant, year-round temperature of 28 degrees Celsius. It is named in memory of three Jewish pioneers who came to survey the land on behalf of the Jewish National Fund in 1938, when their car rode over a land mine and all three were killed.



Caesarea is a town on Israel’s Mediterranean coast. It’s known for Caesarea National Park, which includes a large Roman amphitheater and the historic port. On the site is an archaeological park with pillars and sculptures, and the remains of a hippodrome, with frescoes and stone seating. The ruins of the seafront Promontory Palace include the remains of a mosaic floor.