As exploration expands to include new areas outside the initial dig area of Beit Lehi, ground surveys and excavations show that the immediate area has a much more extensive archaeological reach than was previously thought.
Beit Lehi Foundation, in conjunction with its team of archaeologists under the direction of Dr. Oren Gutfeld and Israel Antiquities, has announced that the Tomb of Salome, and probably the tomb of the Zebedee Family, has been uncovered at the Beit Lehi Archeology Site in Israel.
The following article appeared in the "The Times of Israel" in November 2017. Since it contained incorrect and incomplete information, we have reproduced it here with the correct information
On May 11, 2019 Oren Gutfield, the lead archeologist from Israel, and a team of UVU faculty and students crawled on bended knee through a narrow tunnel and discovered a cavern with three complete olive presses.