
Multifunctional Complex

Multifunctional Complex at Beit Lehi. First phase was a stable followed by an olive press. Then a storage area and finally escape tunnels were carved.


Video Transcript

So we are at the Multifunctional cave we have different phases over here from the Hellenistic period late 4th 3rd century BCE and then second and third century BCE as well.

What we see over here is remains of a stable you see you can see the 12 the mangers where they fed the donkeys. This is the earliest phase.

Then they took the floor off and carved an olive press you can see the niche in the back the Olive Press installations for the baskets the beam came out top here, probably they tied the stone weights to the end of the beam to press the baskets with the mash.

Then they cancelled this phase and added four shafts 1 2 3 & 4 where they stored many storage jars. For some reason there was a collapsed stone that failed into the shafts and broke the storage jars from archaeological point of view this is great because we are removing the stones and have lots of pottery and other great stuff inside as well.

The last phase is from the great great Jewish revolt from the year 66 to 70 or the second Jewish revolt “ha’galuyot” between 132 to 135 AD where the Jewish refugees cut through one of the shafts into one of the Pillar Caves

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Image Gallery

Entrance to the Multifunctional Complex.
Maps created by Darin Taylor, Corey Albright, Chip Goodrich
Steps cut when the floor was lowered for an Olive Press.
Broken pillar from the Five Pillar cave